
Friday, December 28, 2018

John Fund - Disinformation Agent for the NeoCon Cabal

This article has been 20 years in discovery, which included one rude shock after another.  Included as links in this article are pages from several websites which include our TV show, NeoCons, which will be the 1st Docu-Dramedy Series on Interactive TV.  These sites include: How The NeoCons Stole Freedom; PayeHome; PhoneVoter; and Morgan Pillsbury Gell. Also, Just the Evidence, John Fund and Ruthless People

John Fund is a Disinformation Agent who has been working for BushCo, since 1979.  I don’t know when he began taking his orders from Dick Cheney, but that had to have happened by 1998.  In this article Fox News and their methods for controlling what we think also comes up. At every step what you read here comes from my life, and the lives of others who experienced the manipulations set in play by men like Dick Cheney and John Fund.  It was not politics, it was personal.  When this was unfolding, I was a Regent for the National Federation of Republican Women.  I had tea in the White House with Laura Bush.  Being in the GOP is no protection against the NeoCons, fascists one and all.

                                                                         Keep that in mind.  

                                                                                                  – Melinda Pillsbury-Foster

About John Fund. Didn’t it ever strike you as odd that someone who calls himself a Libertarian, had managed to hold a job, moving steadily up, at a Main Stream Media publication? Consider that as we explore Fund’s life and that of Dick Cheney, the No 1 guy on Fund’s speed dial.  

To understand Dick Cheney you need to understand John Fund; to understand John Fund you need to understand Morgan Pillsbury.  It is an ugly story, incredible at times, but all true – and documented. 

Cheney needed minions to carry out the tsunami of destruction which hit America for the benefit of his oily elite associations.  Fund is an important minion, duties including killing stories, planting stories, finding needed technical talent, programmers, contractors, and keeping the lid on scandals, including his own.  Think 9/11.  Think ensuring the Invasion of Iraq took place.  Think Patriot Act and today's surveillance state.   Think the rise of the attack drone industry, now 55% of the US Air Force.  

Fund’s early years were not marked by success or any pretense of honesty.  This was noted by those who knew him, including the founding editor of, Eric Garris. published an article on Fund’s history on April 26, 2006, titled, John Fund vs The Truth by Justin Raimondo. 

John Slevin, a ballot access professional, owner of WinLiberty, who knew Fund well, noted Fund was never even a registered Libertarian Party member though still, today, he attends libertarian-oriented conferences.  And Fund arranged and accepted pay-offs to remove Libertarian candidates from the ballot.  Slevin wrote me extensively on these events.  LETTERS

From Eric Garris, editor and founder of, you find out John Fund told lies, attributing the successes of others to himself. Eric caught him at it in the early 80's.  He was doing the same in 2000.  His oldest friend caught him that time, and came to me for an explanation.  Then, I was surprised.  Now, Andrew Frankel is receiving a copy of this article.  Sometimes Fund got caught; but less and less often as time went by. 

In those early days Fund was part of the group around Ed Crane. His first employers were Charles and David Koch, for operations to take control of the Libertarian Party.

When the Kochs lost control, in 1983, an order was given to destroy of the Libertarian Party.  The means was first to persuade critical activists to re-register Republican.  This reflects the later Koch strategy to start their own political action group, beginning with Republicans from inside that party.  I know this directly, because this is when Fund called me multiple times in on-going attempts to persuade me to leave. 

Hart Williams, a former journalist and blogger, made it his mission to uncover these operations beginning in 2006.  He called me, having found articles I had written on the web, and I began providing more information.  This extensive series of well-researched articles is available at:
Website: HartWilliams

The Koch strategy became the life’s work of Howie Rich, who remained Capo for Crane, together with a group of individuals identified by Murray Rothbard, who published their names in his newsletter in early 1981 after he was eliminated from the Cato Board of Directors.

The Kochs epitomize Big Oil and so, presumably, they knew Cheney and Bushes early in his career.  Oil people are like that, very insular.  Dave Lincoln told me that.  Dave walked away from the Oil Industry when Ken Lay ordered him to drive a pipeline across a pristine forest in Malaysia. 

Controlling what we think, means controlling what we see.  This requires willing and eager minions.  

Fund’s duties at the Wall Street Journal included ensuring stories which his real employers, the Bushco-NeoCons, ordered.  Events and news which the NeoCons did not want to receive serious attention, were marginalized or disappeared entirely; then stories were run which were deemed useful to NeoCon interests. That is not news, and the MSM on both the Right and Left carry out orders.  You will see what I mean. 

An article marginalized and effectively killed by Fund in January 1980, was on a subject referred to him by Andrea Rich and Roy Childs of Laissez-Faire Books, long time Libertarians.   This was on a form of financing which eliminated the problems of foreclosure, providing a profitable investment without risk.  This financial tool, Percentage As You Earn (%PAYE) Finance and Finansurance, had been endorsed by Dr. Milton Friedman, Mr. William E Simon, Sr., then the chief actuary for Booz, Allen, & Hamilton Management Consultants, with Mr. James Reynolds, in Medical Empire Consulting; and Leonard Read of the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE). The long list of endorsers also includes Karl Hess and Russell Means.  Fund wrote an article about earlier historic uses of a similar financing tool; but chose to never mention those who had endorsed it at the time, nor the problems it could have solved in 1980, which are destroying our economy now.  

See: PAYE Home

Sometimes articles which were too outrageous to run in the WSJ were placed at the Drudge Report.  This came out during the Blumenthal lawsuit against Matt Drudge when the Drudge Report ran an article claiming Blumenthal beat his wife.  The Deposition of Manny Klausner, who had been the attorney for Drudge, was taken in early 2001.

Blumenthal believed, correctly, he had been targeted by the NeoCons. As the deposition indicates, John Fund was introduced to Drudge in 1993, two years before the Drudge Report was founded in 1995.  Fund claimed they did not then know each other, committing perjury in his deposition.

Blumenthal, the Clinton Capo, with Gene Gaudette, an associate of Blumenthal’s and the editor of the American Political Journal, were out to get Fund after Blumenthal was forced to settle the lawsuit against Matt Drudge, which should have included Fund, on May 1, 2001.  The first person Fund called to gloat about his escape was Morgan Pillsbury, who he had been sexually involved with since October 26, 1998.  When you read the link you find out this was significant in multiple ways. 

To evade articles exposing the facts about him, John Fund hired lawyers to intimidate publishers.  He successfully killed an  article by John Connolly titled, Sex, Lies and the Tape – The John Fund Story, then slated to appear in Talk Magazine in 2001.  Letter and Billing from attorney John J. Walsh to John Fund, November 16, 2001.  For Walsh, freedom of the press is not an issue. 

The article was published instead at on September 4, 2001. The article and Tape are now online only through my websites.  You can read it and the transcript of the Tape and hear the Tape at Ruthless People. I am the person being discussed by two psychopaths attempting to manipulate each other:  Morgan Pillsbury and John Fund. 

So why does John think I am threatening him?  He was, by mistake, getting the posts from my poetry list.  I confess.  I write poetry.  Here is full disclosure.  Shares of Verse

As indicated in the title, the article by Connolly was sourced to a tape made by Morgan Pillsbury to persuade me, her mother, this time she was telling the truth.  Morgan had a long history of lies, evasions and thievery.  No one except her hopeful mother was still speaking to her. 

Website - Morgan Pillsbury Gell

Around 1990, Fund began routinely calling me to plant false stories.  He expected me to relay these.  From his delivery and the occasional emergence of one of these whoppers (why would Bill Clinton have a tattoo of an American flag on his penis?) into a media outlet.  I could tell this was a strategy for spreading his fabrications indirectly to influencers.  Fund had discovered I had joined the National Federation of Republican Women in Santa Barbara; this included Arianna Huffington and other politically influential women.  Fund would always suggest people I knew would like to know.  Fund only stopped calling me in his attempts to plant stories in 1996. 

By 1998, he was planting false stories about me as well; encouraging others do the same. This bewildered me at the time but recently I realized destroying my credibility became an issue.  At the time I was enmeshed in an insane divorce and Craig Franklin, who Fund got to know in Morgan's hotel room on October 26, 1998.  

From this meeting time forwards, it is likely Franklin organized and provided the technology and programming required by Cheney for bringing off the Pearl Harbor Event of September 11, 2001.  Craig was Senior Vice President of Advanced Products Development for Green Hills Software, Inc. (GHS), who was singularly able to do needed projects, such as converting the programming in airliners to bypass anti-collision safety systems and determine glide path and altitude waypoints into buildings.  The human pilots were a redundant back-up system. (NOTE:  The Black Boxes, which were recovered, have never been seen again.)  

Some evidence for this is the sudden emergence of the attack drone programming by Green Hills Software, Inc. for military contractors with no previous experience in even target drones' production.  Years of flight data were usually put into new drones by prior manufacturers, who expressed their wonderment as the programming appeared to spring full grown from the brow of Zeus.  Who's Zeus?  I invite other journalists and avionics experts to explore the question and supply an answer.  In 1998, GHS President, Dan O'Dowd, was involved in a conspiracy to take over the company with GHS Founding Partner, Glenn Hightower.  Glenn owned three successful companies and Dan knew he could easily barrow half of the present valuation of GHS, when worth $350M.  Therefore, he had entered into a scheme with Franklin to obtain ownership through a conspiracy.  

They called this the 
"Throw Momma From The Train" Strategy.  O'Dowd was pledged to leave me penniless in exchange for Craig's assistance in organizing a walk-out of critical personnel during Hightower's Due Diligence.  Revenues were down in 1998.  O'Dowd and Franklin needed money.  An off ledger black ops funding for programming would have been the answer to their prayers.  The means, motives and methods all became available to Cheney for his false flag operation through this alliance of Fund and Franklin.

Fund's shift to hostility towards me had to have a motive besides not liking poetry.  I think he did, but it was not Morgan.  Morgan, who was a strong believer in protecting her turf, had very thoroughly researched the other women Fund was engaging for sex or services.  This research on her part continued and became part of the stream of emails I received from her as she vented and schemed.   I found out about these in early 2001 while Morgan was briefly living in Ojai, CA.  Fund probably felt he could handle yet another woman he claimed was obsessed with him, his standard excuse when one of these scandals surfaced. He had done so previously, and been entirely supported against the complaining woman by the WSJ.  One of these incidents became widely known.  Carol Divine Molin.

Morgan was invited by Fund to move in with him to 'work on their relationship' in late July of 2001. After handing her a key to the apartment, Fund left for 2 weeks on a round of speaking engagements.  Morgan called me immediately for advice.  Nothing in the apartment worked.  The rent had not been paid for months; the utilities were about to be turned off. The floor was covered with several feet of papers, dirty clothing, and a couple of suitcases, which had never been unpacked, and more.  The refrigerator freezer was crawling with insects; the counter-top had dishes stuck to it, covered with dust.  In the bathroom, nothing but the toilet worked, and that was iffy.   For that two weeks, Morgan was entirely engaged in cleaning, having clothes dry cleaned, utilities paid, peace made with the building manager, and purchasing new furniture Fund wanted.  Morgan advanced the money for these.  I advised her to keep receipts. Fund never reimbursed her or paid her for her time.  

When Fund arrived home, Morgan reported he was shocked and delighted with the changes.  He promptly asked Morgan to clean up his office at the WSJ, which she did on Sundays when the WSJ was closed.  

Changes took place in what she sent me via email and by mail.  I only considered the high-level briefings Morgan scanned and sent to me by mail as evidence of Fund's slovenly behavior, until it occurred to me to reconsider the conversation, I had with Morgan on September 11, 2001 about why she did not go to WTC-1 that morning. Replacing Fund's bank cards would be an ongoing chore allotted to Morgan. 

However, this time, Fund vehemently insisted on the 10th this must be done early the next day to replace his bank card. Morgan balked at his insistence and did not go.  

This implies Fund was acting on orders to get rid of her by someone who had prior knowledge of what was about to take place.  At the time, this did not occur to me; but later, it made complete sense. 

When she refused, he stormed off to work.  Morgan was surprised he was not more upset about what had happened at the World Trade Center, next to the WSJ.  Why would Fund be more upset Morgan refused to replace his bank card that day, than he was about walking, dust-covered across the bridge to New Jersey? 

Morgan was listening when a call came in from Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson asking about her friend, CNN Reporter Barbara Olson.  Fund calmly answered she was gone.  Olson died on Flight 77, impacting the Pentagon.  Morgan made a practice of making copies of the tapes on Fund's answering machine, commenting to me these could be useful sometime.  This is of interest because of the failure to confirm phone communications which were reported having taken place from the four aircraft. One of these conversations was, supposedly, from Barbara Olson to her husband’s office, Solicitor General of the United States.  

Global Research published an article by Elizabeth Woodworth titled.  9/11: What the Telephone Records Reveal about Calls from AA Flight 77: Did Barbara Olson Attempt Any Calls at All?  The article opens up questions on whether these calls could have been made in advance as part of a cover-up, to suppress communications from the planes, or provide a direction for creating spin on the events, positioning NeoCon associates as victims. 

Morgan would have made a very convenient victim, too.  This is the sort of detail which would not have escaped the attention of Dick Cheney or Karl Rove.   Imagine, Fund could have given a heart-rending eulogy for the woman who had captured his heart while knowing he had gotten his apartment cleaned and repaired for free.   

Morgan was sending me photos, before and after, the clean-up job of Fund’s apartment.  I had refused to believe her when she described the place.  Again, she had told the truth.  She claimed to have made Fund's apartment in Jersey City habitable and filed 110 boxes of papers and other detritus from the apartment and the WSJ.  The photos certainly appeared to confirm this, but I did not see this myself.  But if it was so, those file boxes would have included copies of those High-Security Briefings just before 9/11.  

During this period, Fund’s attitude towards Morgan changed. She claimed to have no explanation for this.  But in retrospect, several things occurred to me. 

First, Morgan persuaded John Connolly to write an article about Fund.  I believe this began in June since before then Morgan was calling me to express outrage and hostility toward Fund over multiple causes; other women; not seeing her; not calling her.  Then, she called and demanded I confirm some statements she had made to Connolly. I did so very reluctantly and later regretted doing so, because Connolly had not asked me about Morgan’s credibility, nor did I know what incredible inaccuracies were being conveyed by Morgan about me. 

Fund knew I had evidence on his abuse of Morgan in 2002.  By the end of 2002, I had evidence Cheney was determined to invade Iraq for their oil.  And then I had evidence the Clintons had helped them ensure Saddam Hussein stayed in Iraq to give them an excuse to invade.  I suppose I was lucky they didn’t just kill me.  Fund’s campaign to slander me was carried out by his sub-minions who were conveniently located.  Conversations took place with journalists, one of which confided this to me. Few people who heard these statements let me know.  But they should; I would be grateful to know. 

One of these individuals spreading lies about me at Fund’s behest was Steve Frank. This included a call to Ellie Michaels, a friend through California Federation of Republican Women (CFRW).  Ellie was clearly terrified when she called me in 2003, to tell me she had been told by Steve Frank, who does California Political Review, not to talk to me anymore.   Ellie re-confirmed this call to me on September 25, 2018.  I knew from my conversations with Fund earlier, and from those in the GOP, the two men, Fund and Frank, knew each other well. 

Fund began setting up speaking engagements with Republican groups, especially those with which I had an affiliation.   On February 8 – 9, 2003,   John Fund spoke to CFRW in Ontario, California, and again in Northern California.  This was a perfect place for those whimpering confessions of Fund’s having shown his own “bad judgement.”  I wrote letters to Joy Stewart, the President of CFRW, sent FEDEXed copies of the documents, but it was clear that what mattered was power.  Fund had power.  Evidence did not matter.  Since having influence required accepting his slanders without question, so be it.   Thus, I left the Federation.  An organization which tolerates this kind of corruption, is dangerous to our individual rights and freedom.  Fund appears to have continued looking for opportunities to appear, be paid, and slander me.  Morgan was no longer the real issue.

The Republican Party had once been a bastion of freedom because it understood the meaning of the word, “Conservative.’  It took decades for Rockefeller Republicans (early fascists), to displace the small government with monstrous big government; individual liberty with privileges granted by government; strict accountability and liability for granting the right to damage our environment and our health by corporations; and so displace Conservatism with the fascism which is NeoConservatism, but they succeeded.  Confused Patriots still cannot tell the difference.

                          Why Saddam Hussein did not leave Iraq in the Autumn of 2002

The page above, from NeoCons, our website about our TV show, includes evidence of the cooperative relationship between the Clintons and Bush Co.  This was forged after Geo. HW Bush lost to Clinton in 1992.  This required ensuring Clinton continued in the presidency until 2000.
 See for the story. 

In January 2002, Morgan and Fund were at loggerheads.  He wanted her to stay, where he could control her, have his apartment cleaned, and relax with someone who was also addicted to Star Wars, and could keep his computer operating.  When his computer crashed, he used Morgan’s until she fixed his. Morgan wanted to get married, thus fulfilling her life-time career strategy of marriage to a powerful guy with money. 

Outraged at the emails from other women coming to John on her computer, and having persuaded me to get her an apartment, Morgan left Fund's apartment on January 19th 2002. Fund had given her the checks Morgan had found in the trash and managed to have reauthorized, $30,000 of them.  EMAIL  Again, Fund used some of the other women he was keeping on hold to grab back the money Morgan had more than earned.  I have more emails which we are saving for NeoCons soap opera.  “Those raccoons are just so darn cute!”

Morgan forwarded multiple emails to me.  If she had to scan, it generally came by disk in the mail.   I could no longer take hearing her battered, so I rented her an apartment.  I hoped she would get a job.  Never happened.

Morgan moved into the smallish apartment (does NY have another kind?) at 60 E. 9th Street in Manhattan.  Two days later, Fund found her and moved in telling her Cheney (No.1 on his speed dial) had ordered him to, “do whatever is necessary to solve the problem.”   Fund made it clear this did not include paying Morgan what he owed her, instead it went to options which terrified Morgan into silence.  I did not learn about this until July of 2002.  It was hard to scare or intimidate Morgan, but they had succeeded. 

Cheney insisted the statement by Morgan denying she had never been beaten had to be NOTARIZED  Morgan is many things, but she had been battered.  I heard her being beaten and so had Eric Buchanan.

So instead of the peace I hoped for, Morgan was calling constantly to describe Fund’s bizarre behavior and ask me to explain it.  I told her not to let him in.  Only later did she tell me he already had a key; and she did not know how he got it. But she assured me, he was not beating her.   Lies, lies and more lies. 

I flew into NY on February 19th to go to some plays with an old friend and check out what was happening.  I called from the cab, about five minutes away.  Morgan was expecting me.  Fund was not.  I could hear him yelling in the background.  When I walked in, Morgan had blood on her face, and was obviously in pain.  Not to be tolerated.    

It took me two days and the assistance of an acquaintance of Morgan’s, Gene Gaudette, to persuade her to file a police report and get a restraining order. 

Fund was arrested. The same day an article appeared in Page Six of the NY Post.  Philip Messing wrote the article, titled COLUMNIST ASSAULTED HIS EX: COPS.  It briefly reported Fund’s arrest in the men’s room of the Manhattan Institute, otherwise repeating previous reports which were sourced from the September 4, 2001 Connolly article, and a story appearing in the Washington Post on January 17, 2002 titled, Sex, Lies And Audiotape by Lloyd Grove reporting my cancelling the wedding which had been previously planned for Morgan and John Fund. 

This was entirely accurate, although I did not include my reasons in the brief announcement.  I cancelled the event because Fund had, again, beaten Morgan; and because Morgan had against my orders, scanned an invitation to the wedding and spammed it across the Internet.  It was to be a private wedding; 20 invitees, max.

John Fund, working with his opposite minions on the left, for what Quid pro Quo I do not know, had Eric Alterman plant an entirely fictional statement about me in The Nation Magazine.  This was entirely unsourced and outrageously untrue.  If such a statement had appeared on Page Six of the NY Post no one would have blinked, perhaps.  Titled, "Back Into the Muck", the short statement accused me of having sent Morgan to NY to seduce Fund.  Since at the time, the two jumped into bed together, October 26, 1998, I had not talked to Morgan for six months because I had discovered she had lied to me about having a heart condition for which she needed a heart transplant.   Morgan claimed this in an attempt to persuade me to turn off her brother Arthur’s life-support. 

I learned of this attempted murder transaction from the court discovery during my divorce. She had received $10,000 from Craig Franklin, my estranged husband, for ensuring Arthur did not survive the suicide attempt Craig had talked him into.    Between Arthur’s need for continuous care and my own medical problems, which necessitated three surgeries and balancing the medications for my heart with my migraines; not hearing from Morgan was wonderful. 

Morgan Deposition                         

Morgan's Bankruptcy

FLASHBACK – I learn Morgan has had a sexual relationship with John Fund.

As I said then this strange journey began, to understand Cheney-Fund you need to understand Morgan.  All three of them are psychopaths.  Their behavior is bizarre to those who are normal; but to them killing millions, lying through their teeth to millions, and creating false realities to hide their crimes, is NORMAL.   Should we tolerate this.  No.  Note that it is now possible to confirm psychopathy through an analysis of DNA and by other methods.  If I had only known…

After her attempt on her brother’s life in 1998, I would not talk to Morgan again until late September of 1999, when she contacted me to persuade me to provide her with more money.  Given what she had already done, that was a non-starter.  She told me she had aborted Fund’s baby; Abortion Record I did not believe she had had a relationship with Fund, as he had told me the previous March he was engaged to an attorney in DC. I congratulated him and said it was about time.

As I kept telling Morgan I did not believe her, her call-waiting dinged.  She put me on hold.  I hung up after trying to call her back so I could continue venting. 

Less than one minute after Morgan finished the recording, she had evidence!  John had lied to me when I had called earlier that year.  I had cautioned him about her.  For once, Morgan had told the truth.  That was nearly a miracle.  Stunning.   TAPE   These links to pages have useful background.  I suggest you read them or come back to them later.

And now, how Keyloggers and Unveiled Women in the Ongoing Battle for Truth:

In early 2003, it became clear there was a cooperative effort to destroy my credibility, using the same disinformation agents and political operatives in media I had exposed.  As you read the next Alterman article, “Who Framed John Fund?”, which also appeared in The Nation Magazine on May 15, 2003, and again was unsourced, you see embellishments of the previous Fund victimhood fantasy from March 7, 2002.

And when I say, ‘Cooperative’ I mean it.  Main Stream Media outlets from both the NeoCon Bushco and Clinton factions had agreed I was a problem, apparently.  These included The Nation Magazine, Fox News and Newsmax, a curious alliance.  The reasons had moved beyond John Fund to covering up what I knew about the Clinton involvement in conning Saddam Hussein to remain in Iraq. But when the Invasion took place, I realized I had been all too credulous.  Diverse interests had found common cause in shutting me up, mentioned earlier in Cheney’s War. 

Alterman’s girlfriend, Katherine Rosman, supposedly representing Elle Magazine, asked to do an interview and then extracted an ‘exclusive’ which was stalled and then cancelled a year later.  Rosman was then hired by the WSJ.  I started calling this the Alterman-Fund Jobs Program for Indigent NeoJournalists. A year of silence by myself and Morgan, with Fund’s whispering campaign going on, was deadly to the truth.  

The only light at the end of the tunnel was the article by Mark Crispin Miller which questioned the lack of sources.  An article titled, “‘Ugly Tactics Make for Ugly People’ appeared on July 14, 2003, again in  The Nation Magazine, allowing Alterman a chance to explain himself.  Then, Wendy McElroy, a ‘libertarian feminist’ was asked by Fund to write an article mentioning Fund’s sad plight.  Titled "False Rape Charges Hurt Real Victims," this appeared July 22, 2003, on Fox News.  Wendy was then hired by Fox, which is a NeoCon outlet. When asked, Wendy cited the Alterman article as her only source, for which the only source had been John Fund.  And even though she had known me personally since 1975, she saw no reason to call and ask about the facts.  Wendy is shy on the usual rules expected for journalists, she is a presstitute.  The Nation Magazine operates using the same standards as Fox News and Newsmax.   No sources were required, naturally; the MSM no longer uses them, you know.     

On April 1, 2003, the site I had established to defend Morgan and myself,, was under fire.  A letter was sent by Fund’s west coast attorney, Paul Hastings, threatening the owners of the tiny enterprise which handled my websites, Group Professionals.   Ruthless People was one of those sites, run by two honest guys who ran Group Professionals, Mike Pickett, and Robert Burrows.  Mike and Bob were entirely intimidated and immediately shut down my websites. 

My next site, the only one for a while, was I started this blog in May 2005 and began writing articles about – surprise, the NeoCons and Fund.  At about this time, I also started writing for the Lone Star Iconoclast, the little paper, which had risked the wrath of the NeoCons for endorsing John Kerry against George W. Bush in Crawford, Texas.

Attack by Attorney - Paul Hastings or, Winning by Attorney Intimidation

John Fund had two of his ‘women friends,’ Gail Heriot and Christina Reis sign on as injured parties.  This was essential to their scheme.  The two were apparently offended by having their sexually explicit emails to Fund made public.  In a rational world this would have taught them to be more cautious about whose computer they were sending their love notes to. 

 This took place in 2003, over a year after their emails had been found by Morgan on her own computer, and while she was still living with Fund.  This truth was apparently unpleasant for them; so, like their NeoCon Paramour, they rewrote that part, whining that I had violated their ‘personal privacy’.   As if cooperating in a conspiracy to slander and libel me was just their First Amendment right.  They deserved to be exposed because they had committed a crime, committing slander and libel and then adding to the conspiracy by doing it again.  

I had a number of other women’s names, emails and phone numbers; but absolutely would not have used them, then or now, without their permission.  They were victims.  These two were perpetrators and co-conspirators with Fund.   This was, and remains, the only correct course.  The only way to seek justice open to us today, is to represent yourself in the court of public opinion.  
By 2004, Iraq had been invaded; Saddam was in hiding, and his sons, who knew what had happened, were dead.  I was now worried about being dead myself – so I took steps to create some insurance, copying the incredible number of document images Morgan had sent me via mail, many of them clearly high-level briefings, onto CDs which I sent out to individuals secreted around the world.  

And that is what happened, oh yes, there is more, but this article is already too long.
There is more on the websites mentioned, if you can wade through it.  I tried to be thorough. Anything which is conjecture or likely, is stated as such.

And, a final pitch.  Sign up and participate in our crowdfunder for NeoCons the 1st Docu-Dramedy Series on Interactive TV and, if you have a cause or organization visit Causes and Campaigns, a network ramping up with  Freedom Interactive TV Networks Association.

And don't worry that there will be no new material.  With 2-Way Interactive Television we will have more proof and associated characters than you can imagine.  And as a soap opera, this is going to set new records!

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