
Saturday, September 28, 2013

What Do You Do When Conspiracy Theories Are True?

We've all heard the phrase, usually uttered with a sneer of disdain or condescension, "Conspiracy Theorist."  Think again. 

Andrew Kreig — a seasoned and respected attorney-journalist — has written in his new book Presidential Puppetry: Obama, Romney and Their Masters exactly what those in the conspiracy movement have so long sought. The book is a well-documented, fact-hardened compendium of events connecting the dots for conspiracy theories enthusiasts. He draws authoritative evidence drawn from right, left, and mainstream sources to create a must-read.
He documents, for example, that all recent U.S. presidents after Jimmy Carter had secret CIA or FBI ties before entering politics. Also, he shows how those agencies and other high-ranking officials reaching into the White House are controlled by elite figures in the private sector. Kreig’s portrayal of President Obama expands upon previous research by author and former Navy intelligence officer Wayne Madsen, and is especially timely given public confusion over the supposed reformer Obama’s enthusiasm for surveillance and prosecuting whistleblowers on spy charges.
At the concluding keynote for the recent DC 9/11 Truth conference, the activist-entertainer Dick Gregory held up a copy of Puppetry. Gregory urged everyone to read the book, and asked the author and Madsen to stand. Madsen later commented for this review, “You’ve got to read this book if you want to know who controls the leadership of our country.”
Earlier in his hour long talk Gregory , who has ten children, told the audience also he hesitated to be with them because his actions could impact their careers. But, he said, people need the truth.
From the right, the conservative author and political commentator Ron Winter, an acclaimed investigative reporter based in Connecticut, wrote a favorable review entitled, “What if conspiracy theories are true?”
Progressive Review Publisher Sam Smith, a DC-based journalist for more than half a century until his move to Maine, describes how the JFK Assassination in 1963 prompted the establishment to cerate a way to silence independent investigations.
Smith’s column “A thinker's guide to conspiracy theories stated” The term 'conspiracy theory' was invented by elite media and politicians to denigrate questions or critical presumptions about events about which important facts remain unrevealed.” Smith cautions journalists to be like homicide detectives and “remain agnostic, skeptical, and curious” about evidence.
In that spirit, this book has some 350 pages of narrative spanning a century and more than 1,100 endnotes that confirm the necessarily brief mentions in the narrative itself.
As you read, acts that seem like isolated events suddenly spring to life providing the “MacGuffin” plot-line for the larger story. Freed from the distorting effect of two-party politics, we see that some seemingly wild ideas are true whereas others are concoctions created by propagandists operating under the cover of routine-seeming jobs in foundations, business, academia, and the media. The corrupt process has skewed public dialog over decades, and appears to be getting much worse.
Kreig, based in DC also, brings to life how CIA and other secret affiliations of the presidents and intimately related to the public policies dominating the news. By contrast, the popular focus on Obama’s birth certificate pales in significance
Similarly, the full biographies of current presidential appointees and the apparent motive for their hiring comes like a slap in the face.  It hurts at times, but it is the medicine we all need.  
What you thought you knew is suddenly open to revision. The mind’s eye must recalibrate to accommodate new information. As you turn the pages 'wag the dog moments' and those who orchestrated them, clarify your mind. They are guaranteed to delivered shocks to both the Right and Left equally.
If you are serious about change, this is the book you need to read.